Technology &
DRAFT INTRODUCTION: At Thompson Rivers University, a galaxy of technology is connecting the worlds of teaching, learning and community. This site will serve as a roadmap of these connections, a “NEXUS” if you will.

Technology &
DRAFT INTRODUCTION: At Thompson Rivers University, a galaxy of technology is connecting the worlds of teaching, learning and community. This site will serve as a roadmap of these connections, a “NEXUS” if you will.

Learning Technology Identified Objectives
To infinite and beyond
MediaSpace by Kaltura, a portal for audio and video services in Moodle, and on the web.
Proin venenatis est leo. In vestibulum imperdiet mi, sit amet imperdiet ante ultricies at.

LT+i News
The latest from the desk of…
- Adding a Webwork link to your Moodle course
- Understanding H5P Content Types and Libraries
- Using Groups in Kaltura Mediaspace (media.tru.ca)
- Mattermost Cheatsheet
- TruBox & OpenETC upgraded to WordPress 5.4
Aenean vitae vulputate mi, vulputate lacinia purus. Duis lacinia feugiat est, quis dignissim massa consequat maximus. Aliquam aliquam dapibus vehicula. Pellentesque sit amet magna hendrerit, molestie lectus quis, pretium velit. Aliquam vitae purus ut risus finibus consequat.